Thursday, April 30, 2009

WindyCitizen Deal With CBS2 Website May Be Wave of the Future

CBS2 now prominently hosts a feed from WindyCitizen on the front page of the local section of its web site.

This is a good example of how MSM (mainstream media) is creating partnerships with smaller players to obtain content that they don't have the resources to gather.

WindyCitizen is a "reader-edited" news site where anyone can recommend, rate and discuss local news.

WindyCitizen gives CBS2 a granularity to their coverage that they can't get on their own, and is a good example of how organizations can work their way up the media food chain by posting on sites like WindyCitizen.


  1. Over at Community Beat we discovered Windy Citizen after a friendly reader (why, it was Hugh McMullen of VDC!) posted one of our pieces there and set off a string of referrals and comments. Since then I've posted a number of stories from the general media stream as well as the best of our own stuff. For us, it brings a small but important bump in traffic.

    More importantly, I'm starting to use Windy Citizen as a way to find new news. I don't like the fluffy crap that sometimes climbs up the ladder to "popular," but maybe that just means we need more readers with high standards voting up the good stuff and pushing down the junk.

  2. I agree. Also, the image Valerie put up is a screengrab within a screengrab, over which I had a small geek-out.
